Parents and guardians play an important role in supporting a child’s academic success. With the recent pandemic closing schools and therefore reducing teacher-contact time, their role has become even more essential. If you are a parent who is struggling with finding ways to support your child’s learning and help them prepare for next year, we have you covered. We have rounded up some valuable resources that will help you help your child improve their math, reading, and writing skills this summer.
What needs improving?
Before you can find appropriate activities for your child, you need to know where exactly they are falling behind. You can start by talking to their teacher to find out which concepts they may have struggled with most over the school year.
You can also have your child take an assessment test. This test should identify problem areas and guide you in the right direction regarding which types of skills they should be practicing.
At Learn@Home, students are given comprehensive tests in math and English before being assigned a Personalized Pathway designed to meet their needs.
Tips and Resources for Improving Math Skills
Once you’ve identified the problem areas, you can jump into finding activities for your child. But it is equally as important that you help your child get excited about and involved in math activities. You can do this by keeping a positive attitude about math and making it interesting and relevant by finding ways to practice math skills in everyday life, such as counting money or playing card games that require number recognition and addition. You can keep math fun by choosing activities that are game-based, rather than making it seem like another school assignment.
These are some of our favorite free resources for helping kids to practice their math skills:
Tips and Resources for Improving Reading and Writing Skills
Getting your child to love books can be challenging, especially if they are struggling with their literacy skills. But it doesn’t have to be a battle between you, them, and the pages. First, you can help them reduce their frustration levels with their reading skills by finding books suited for their reading level, not their grade level. Secondly, encourage them to choose books they’ll enjoy, rather than ticking off requirements from a summer reading list.
These are some of our favorite resources for helping kids to practice their reading and writing skills:
Getting More Support
Sometimes online activities and self-learning just don’t cut it. Whether you are lacking the time to monitor your child’s progress or your child needs personalized support from an educator, Learn@Home is the perfect solution. With personalized learning plans and one-on-one support starting at just $72/month, it’s an affordable and efficient way to help your child improve their math, reading, and writing skills this summer. And with the ever-present threat of falling down the summer slide, there’s no better time to get started than the present.